
Homestay and Restaurant

Englendingavík is a beautiful restaurant and guesthouse located in the beautiful Englendingabay in Borgarnes.

The restaurant specializes in fresh Icelandic ingredients and the main emphasis is on seafood but we also offer various lamb and vegetarian dishes along with delicious desserts.

During the day we also serve as a cafe with bruschettas, waffles and other small dishes.

The guesthouse has several rooms, a family room for four, two person rooms in the Sjávarborg, three rooms with private bathrooms and a family room with a small lounge.

Our Rooms

The Restaurant

Englendingavík is a beautiful restaurant located in the beautiful Englendingabay in Borgarnes. 

The restaurant specializes in fresh Icelandic ingredients and the main emphasis is on seafood but we also offer various lamb and vegetarian dishes along with delicious desserts.